Dr YEO Lay Hwee has extensive policy interest and expertise on EU-ASEAN / Asia-Europe relations that led her to support the setting up of ASEANcham-EU to promote stronger economic ties between ASEAN and the EU.
Her interest on regional integration and the inter-regional ties between the EU and ASEAN began in 1995 when she served in the Secretariat supporting the EU-ASEAN Eminent Persons group. As Director of the European Union Centre in Singapore, she continues her focus on finding ways to strengthen the partnership between EU and ASEAN.
Dr Yeo is also Council Secretary at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, Senior Adjunct Fellow at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Senior Associate at the Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Adjunct Faculty at the Singapore Management University and Adjunct Teaching fellow at the National University of Singapore.
Lay Hwee also sits on several academic Advisory Boards including Centre for European Studies at the Australian National University, Leiden Asia Centre in Leiden University; Asian Vision Institute (Cambodia). She participates actively in policy dialogue, workshops and various academic research networks, and contributes articles and opinion pieces to both academic publications and policy networks. Her most recent book which she co-edited with Professor Tommy Koh is on ASEAN-EU Partnership: the Untold Story.